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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - family


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка family на русский


1) семейство

2) серия; ряд

3) семья

family of compatible codesfamily of curvesfamily of distributionsfamily of planesfamily of raysfamily of surfacesfamily of vectorsBloggs familybubble memory familychip familyclosed familycollector familycomputer familycontingency familycountable familyexponential familyfont familygenerating familyindexed familyINMOS transputer familyintegrated-circuit familynormal familytypeface family

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См. в других словарях

  семейство; совокупностьfamily of gearsbar stock familycellular manufacturing familycomponent familycomputer familygroup technology part familyhorizontal familymachining-center familyoperations familypart familyproduct familysteering-gear familyteach family of menustool familytooling familyvertical familyworkpiece family ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  estate родовое имение FAMILY friend друг семьи FAMILY hotel гостиница для семейных FAMILY jewels фамильные драгоценности FAMILY likeness фамильное сходство; отдаленное сходство FAMILY man семейный человек; домосед FAMILY name  а) фамилия  б) имя, частое в роду FAMILY of languages ling. языковая семья FAMILY planning контроль рождаемости FAMILY tree родословное дерево FAMILY circle  а) семейный круг  б) amer. theatr. галерка; балкон FAMILY noun  1) семья, семейство; род - man of family - family of languages  2) содружество  3) attr. семейный; родовой; фамильный - family circle - family estate - family man - family name - family tree - family hotel - family likeness - family friend - family jewels - family planning to be in the family way - быть в интересном положении (быть беременной) the Presidents official family amer. - члены кабинета (министров) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. семья, семейство family likeness —- семейное сходство there is a family likeness between the two cousins —- между двоюродными братьями есть семейное сходство family trait —- семейная (фамильная) черта family film (movie) —- фильм для всей семьи; кинокартина, которую могут смотреть и дети, и взрослые family friend —- друг семьи, друг дома a man of family —- семейный человек how are all your family? —- как поживает ваша семья (ваше семейство)? my family are early risers —- у нас в семье все встают рано 2. семья, род family jewels —- фамильные драгоценности family silver —- фамильное серебро family estate —- родовое имение a man of family —- человек знатного рода a man of good family —- человек из хорошей семьи a man of no family —- человек без роду, без племени to run in the family —- быть характерной семейной особенностью (чертой) disease that runs in the family —- наследственная болезнь 3. дети (одной семьи) wife and family —- жена и дети my wife and I want a large family —- мы с женой хотим иметь много детей to start a family —- родить или зачать первого ребенка 4. спец. семейство cat family —- зоол. семейство кошачьих rose family —- бот. семейство розоцветных family of langauges —- языковая семья family of curves —- мат. семейство кривых chlorine family —- хим. группа хлора radium family —- хим. ряд радия the Jupiter family —- астр. семейство (планет)...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) сист. семейство 2) семья – FB family – gene family – linked gene family – multigene family – sequence family ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  объединение; серия; группа родственных объектов – family of brands – family of type – patent family – type family FAMILY сущ. семья, семейство - commercial farm family - farm family - immediate family - member of the family - rural family FAMILY I сущ. 1) общ. семья, семейство а)(группа людей, живущих под одной крышей и объединенных родственными, эмоциональными и т. п. связями и единым хозяйством) family statistics - семейная статистика, family unit - семейная ячейка, family member - член семьи, to keep a family - содержать, обеспечивать, поддерживать семью, rural family - крестьянская семья, suburban family - семья, живущая в пригороде, urban family - городская семья, The average American family of four with a median income of $47,012 in 1996 will pay $10,250 in federal taxes. - Средняя американская семья из четырех человек с медианным доходом в 47012 долларов в 1996 г. заплатит 10250 долларов федеральных налогов. б) (группа животных одного вида, проживающих вместе и, как правило, состоящая из самца, самки и их детенышей) family of wolves - семья волков, волчья семья 2) общ. семья, семейство, род, клан, раса а)(группа людей, объединенных кровным родством, представляющая собой несколько поколений, связанных социальными и экономическими связями) б) (группа людей, объединенных общим происхождением и/или общими признаками)...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) группа 2) род 3) ряд 4) семейство 5) серия 6) система 7) совокупность 8) фамилия absolutely summable family — абсолютно суммируемое семейство additively closed family — аддитивное замкнутое семейство (распределений) admissible family of domains — допустимое семейство областей at most denumerable family — не более чем счетное семейство boundedly complete family — ограниченно полное семейство (распределений) complete orthonormal family — полная ортонормированная система countably additive family — счетно аддитивное семейство family of limit laws — т. вер. семейство предельных законов family of probability measures — семейство вероятностных мер family of random variables — семейство случайных величин family of straight lines — семейство пучок прямых linearly independent family — линейно независимое семейство locally finite family — локально конечное семейство (множеств) locally trivial family — локально тривиальное семейство negative exponential family — семейство отрицательных экспоненциальных распределений nerve of family of sets — нерв семейства множеств normal family of analytic functions — нормальное семейство аналитических функций pointwise countable family — точечное счетное семейство pointwise finite family — точечно конечное семейство relatively compact family — относительно компактное семейство self-consistent family of curves — независимое...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  семейство; ряд; серия – unified family – job family ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  семейство; ряд; серия; система family of curves family of fissures ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  семейство; ряд; серия - family of curves - family of distributions - codes family - compatible-codes family - computer family - gas family - horizontal family - indexed family of curves - logic family - lubricating oil family - moire family - NC-machined family - part family - tooling family - type family - vertical family ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a set of parents and children, or of relations, living together or not. 2 a the members of a household, esp. parents and their children. b a person's children. c (attrib.) serving the needs of families (family butcher). 3 a all the descendants of a common ancestor. b a race or group of peoples from a common stock. 4 all the languages ultimately derived from a particular early language, regarded as a group. 5 a brotherhood of persons or nations united by political or religious ties. 6 a group of objects distinguished by common features. 7 Math. a group of curves etc. obtained by varying one quantity. 8 Biol. a group of related genera of organisms within an order in taxonomic classification. Phrases and idioms family allowance Brit. a former name for child benefit. family credit (or income supplement) (in the UK) a regular payment by the State to a family with an income below a certain level. Family Division (in the UK) a division of the High Court dealing with adoption, divorce, etc. family man a man having a wife and children, esp. one fond of family life. family name a surname. family planning birth control. family tree a chart showing relationships and lines of descent. in the family way colloq. pregnant. Etymology: ME f. L familia household f. famulus servant ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural -lies)  Etymology: Middle English familie, from Latin familia household (including servants as well as kin of the householder), from famulus servant  Date: 15th century  1. a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head ; household  2.  a. a group of persons of common ancestry ; clan  b. a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock ; race  3.  a. a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation ; fellowship  b. the staff of a high official (as the President)  4. a group of things related by common characteristics: as  a. a closely related series of elements or chemical compounds  b. a group of soils with similar chemical and physical properties (as texture, pH, and mineral content) that comprise a category ranking above the series and below the subgroup in soil classification  c. a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral language  5.  a. the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children; also any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional ~ a single-parent ~  b. spouse and children want to spend more time with my ~  6.  a. a group of related plants or animals forming a category ranking above a genus and below an order and usually comprising several to many genera  b. in livestock breeding  (1) the descendants or line of a particular individual especially of some outstanding female  (2) an identifiable strain within a breed  7. a set of curves or surfaces whose equations differ only in parameters  8. a unit of a crime syndicate (as the Mafia) operating within a geographical area  • ~hood noun  II. adjective  Date: 1602  1. of or relating to a ~  2. designed or suitable for both children and adults ~ restaurants ~ movies ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (families) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A family is a group of people who are related to each other, especially parents and their children. There’s room in there for a family of five... His family are completely behind him, whatever he decides... To him the family is the core of society... Does he have any family? N-COUNT-COLL 2. When people talk about a family, they sometimes mean children. They decided to start a family. ...couples with large families. N-COUNT-COLL 3. When people talk about their family, they sometimes mean their ancestors. Her family came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century. ...the history of mental illness in the family. N-COUNT-COLL 4. You can use family to describe things that belong to a particular family. He returned to the family home... I was working in the family business. ADJ: ADJ n 5. You can use family to describe things that are designed to be used or enjoyed by both parents and children. It had been designed as a family house... A wedding is a family event. ADJ: ADJ n 6. A family of animals or plants is a group of related species. ...foods in the cabbage family, such as Brussels sprouts. N-COUNT: with supp ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural families 1 »PEOPLE WHO ARE CLOSELY RELATED« a group of people who are related to each other, especially a mother, father, and their children  (Ned comes from a big family of eight children. | Do you know the family next door? (also + plural v BrE))  (The family now live in London. | family home/business/holiday etc)  (He grew up knowing that he would take over the family business one day. | nuclear family (=a family consisting of mother, father, and their children) | extended family (=all the people in a family including aunts, uncles, grandparents etc) | one-parent family/single-parent family (=a family in which there is only one parent) | family background (=the sort of family you come from) | she's/he's family informal (=used to say that someone is related to you)) 2 »ALL THE PEOPLE RELATED TO YOU« all the people you are related to, including those who are now dead  (I'm moving to Detroit because I have some family there. (also + plural v BrE))  (My family come from Scotland originally. | be in sb's family (=be owned by someone's family, especially for a long time))  (That painting has been in our family for 200 years. | run in the family (=be a common feature in a particular family))  (Asthma runs in the family.) 3 »CHILDREN« children  (Couples with young families wouldn't want to live here. | start a family (=have children))  (They're getting married next year, and hope to start a family straight away. | bring up/raise a family)  (the problems of bringing up a family on a very low income | a family film/show/etc (=suitable for children as well as adults)) 4 family size/pack/ etc a product sold in a large container packet big enough for a whole family 5 »GROUP OF ANIMALS/THINGS« technical a group of related animals, plants, languages etc  (The cat family includes lions and tigers. | Spanish and Italian are part of the Romance language family.) 6 in the family way old-fashioned pregnant ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 15c., from L. familia "household," including relatives and servants, from famulus "servant," of unknown origin. Modern sense is mid-17c. Replaced O.E. hiwscipe. Familiar is c.1380, from O.Fr. familier, from L. familiaris "domestic." The sense gradually broadened. Family values first recorded 1966. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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